Tag Archives: Coach

And so it begins… Again


Well as you all know this blog is about my journey in finding my health both physical and emotional.  I had such great success with the 21 Day Fix that I am getting ready for summer by doing a Summer Smackdown Challenge Group.  This group has a lot of Beachbody Coaches in it as well as customers and it’s a huge group so I’m pretty excited to be part of it.  I am doing the T25 Focus and my goals this time around are much loftier than when I made them for 21 Day Fix.  With 21 Day Fix is was all about just introducing activity and healthy eating choices into my life again because I had strayed from the path big time.  But with T25, it’s about being intense and making significant changes in my body.  I lost a lot of inches (fat) in my first challenge but with this one, I’m going for inches, weight and DEFINITION.  I want some tone to my body!!  However, whatever the outcome is I’m going to be happy.  Today is actually Day 2 of my challenge and the workout was a beast but I was so happy that I never had to stop once during the workout.  I did have to do some adjusting to some of the moves but I didn’t need to do all modified and that is a win in my book.  🙂  What have you done today towards your own fitness goals?  Down below is my Day 1 All Body Picture shot. Can’t wait to share the weekly changes.  🙂


Dream Big!!


Dream Big!!

“Coach? What is this coach thing she is always talking about?”
“Why is she always posting workout pictures?”
“What the heck is a challenge??”
“Beachbody? Psh.. please.”
If these are questions you ask yourself when I post, why not find out? I’ve had more positive changes emotionally and physically in the last couple of months. I’m inspired everyday by so many positive people who give it their all and then some. People that I didn’t know last month but now are friends and believe in me more than I believe in myself.
Starting this upcoming Monday (04/14/14) my fellow coaches and I are going to host a secret group where we share our stories. Talk about what Beachbody is and why we chose it and how it’s changed our lives. This is the best thing I’ve ever been apart of and I want to share this experience with every single one of you. If you’re interested, like this status or send me a message and I’ll add you. All you do is have a fun positive experience for 5 days. It’s free and there is no obligation to join.
Wanna be apart of something big and great??


Day 1 of Combat




Well it’s Day 1 of my new challenge Journey.  This time I decided to do the Les Mills Combat fitness program.  I commit to doing the workouts each day, drink Shakeology once a day and then eat healthy.  Unlike the 21 Day Fix, this challenge is a lot longer than 21 days.  This is a 60 day challenge and I’m nervous!  But one of the things I am happiest about is that I’m starting off this challenge in a much better place than when I started the 21 Day Fix.  I’m nowhere near my goal but I am starting off closer to it and that feels great.  This workout is extremely intense and a little awkward for me.  There’s lots of punching, jabs and kicks and since I have no background in martial arts, it’s a learning curve for sure for me.  But the workout felt so amazing!!  One of the trainers mentioned to think of someone when you’re punching and it will add to your muscle behind it.  Now I’m not going to say who I thought of but my punches got a lot more force behind them.  So not only will this workout get me in shape, it’s also going to add to my emotional strength by working out some aggression that I have stored up.  I hope you guys enjoy this next journey with me.

NellaMae B.
